If you're feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or disconnected... there’s web-puzzle game that has attracted millions of users from around the world. In this video, I’m going to show you what it is, how it can put a spring in your step, create a sense of connection and even support your mental health today.
A Word Game that Can Support Your Mental Health | Wordle
Go deeper with getting unstuck, feeling more control and enjoying life more...
Do you want to move from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to a great sense of personal control so you can focus on what matters and enjoy life more? Elisha and his team have created the world's leading "mental health accelerator" program and are now accepting new applications to work with us in a more intimate setting. Serious inquiries only. Please check out the details and book a call here 👉🏽 https://elishagoldstein.com/uncover-the-power-within/
There are a few specific (but reasonable) requirements that need to be met before we proceed.
✅ Do you want to change your life?
This program isn't for those who aren't committed to creating vibrant and fulfilling lives. I know it sounds crazy, but some people out there have actually decided they are OK being miserable. This typically happens because the brain has made a decision that certainty of suffering is safer than change. This program isn’t for them...yet.
✅ Are you willing to accept guidance and try new things?
To get the kind of life you’ve never had, you’re going to have to do some things you’ve never done. And while everything we do in Uncover The Power Within starts small and builds on itself. To see growth you will need to be willing to take small steps outside of your comfort zone.(Even if it is at your own pace)
✅ Do you promise to share your light with others?
Those who participate in this program will go on to influence those around them, whether they try to or not. You must be willing to be a force for good in your world and those around you. Those who learn to Uncover The Power Within will be a force for light and peace that the people they love and this world so desperately needs.
If this sounds like YOU then you are the kind of person who will love this journey of progress and growth.
Check out more and book a call here 👉 https://elishagoldstein.com/uncover-the-power-within/
► Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ElishaGoldsteinPhD?sub_confirmation=1
Find Wordle Here: https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisha_goldstein
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElishaGoldstein
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mindful_Living
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elishagoldsteinphd/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-640851605
Website: https://elishagoldstein.com
#wordle #betterlife #elishagoldstein
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