Absolutely FAILING at Improving the Account... [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

Recently, MiHoYo put out a tweet saying "Polearm Impact"... And then I saw Mtashed make a new account where his focus is just having fun on the account in Genshin Impact... So I decided to take it upon myself to make a new account, but only use characters who wield a sword because absolutely nobody asked me to.

Link to the Swords Only Playlist:


This time around, we try to farm Oceanid for Xingqiu's ascension materials, and then attempt to get some better artifacts since we recently hit AR 45... Of course, none of it goes according to plan

Xingqiu art used in thumbnail by Stardustings on DeviantArt:

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #OnlySwords

Absolutely FAILING at Improving the Account... [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

genshin impact genshin genshin polearm impact polearm impact genshin swords genshin new account genshin impact swords only genshin impact only swords genshin impact bows only genshin impact only bows genshin bows only genshin swords only only swords genshin claymore only genshin catalyst only genshin only bow genshin only using sword genshin impact 2.4 genshin impact challenge genshin 5 star genshin xingqiu xingqiu sword swords only genshin account

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