What you will find on my YouTube creators channel:
Friendly Artistic Creativity,
Fun and laughter and artistic learning shown in a light hearted manner.
Few names used to describe my artist activities:
Acrylic pouring art, fluid art, flow art, Resin art.
Airbrush art embellishment
Educational art therapy, relaxing art creations.
#acrylicpouring #fluidart #art
Media often used:
Acrylic paints, Resin, pigments and alchol ink art activities.
ASMR, home decor, DIY art creations,all matter of acrylic art activities, Artistic Rest my mind activities,
all above describes what you will find on my friendly entertaining and eductional channel content, all good fun and exciting real content.
So please enjoy and let your creative juices flow even if you have never considered yourself an artist, you may just surprise yourself and others.
Strictly business Email: gilly.kube@icloud.com
Postal Address: P.O.Box 68, Cooroy, Queensland, Australia 4563
My music is copyright free music by epidemic sound
For my USA and Europe peeps consider taking a look at my new Amazon shop https://www.amazon.com/shop/gillykubeacrylicpouringartcreations?listId=2IT6VJ7MGNDQ9&ref=idea_share_inf
Disclaimer: Gilly Kube may receive a small commission on items you purchase from her amazon store at no extra cost to you
For Gorgeous clear easy to use Resin I love Eparency to coat finished art work or to use in silicone molds or casting etc
For 10% discount use discount code Gilly10
By request from many of my viewers I now have a tips and patron account
My PayPal account https://www.paypal.me/acrylicpouringart
My picture wall app link http://wallpictureapp.com/advert-full?ct=gilly5 with this link you will get 5 free walls of your choice for free
Do you want to see more:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CR2wcYVrcTD/?utm_medium=copy_link
Facebook art page: https://www.facebook.com/gillykubeartsecretwomensbusiness
Facebook: Australian Acrylic Pouring art group:
Pinterest: https://pin.it/72GnSGP
Acrylic pouring Medium: Fluid art
My home made pouring medium used for my usual work is a pre mix of 70% mont Marte clear craft glue and 30% warm water, if in the USA Elmer’s “glue all” works well.
I add my pouring medium to my paint slowly until I achieve the consistency of pouring cream, approximately 50/50 more pm if needed, not all paint brands go well with this pouring medium, so just test out.
paint brands mostly used are the Global impasto paints, Amsterdam paints, pebeo paints,also Mont marte studio acrylics, or pouring paints.
I Certainly explore different brands and mediums, it’s all part of the learning process.
Also iv started to add a tablespoon of floetrol to each paint cup and stir instead of silicone for cells.
Extra special cell and lace and bloom like creation is found with Amsterdam paints add Aussie floetrol until correct consistency required, then used in pour or used to swipe details, “Aussie slides” are easily created this method.
I’m not using silicone very often at all (2021)
If I add silicone this is what I do.
When iv mixed my paints I add 2-4 drops maximum of Helmar silicone, also Australian made, I stir in well.
I always like to mix up my paints and add silicone the day before I’m going to paint, and cover with a damp cloth, as I have found I have much better results.
Recipe and video for this technique is here https://youtu.be/b7u9w_zZdUE
You will find this playlists of tips and beginners videos for required products and mixes useful
https://youtu.be/uOSHR_0Gs2o How to varnish and seal your work playlist maybe of help https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaB-Gk1TZcjI7PHABqMmmM8JH_N1aKQT6
If you’d like to help me for free Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, press on notification bell and watch my videos,like,and comment and please share, thank you ☺️
You can follow me on Facebook art page “Acrylic Art By Gilly Kube” for lots of tips and tricks and links to my acrylic art page https://www.facebook.com/gillykubeartsecretwomensbusiness
You find my work also on Pinterest https://pin.it/72GnSGP
Link to our Australian acrylic pouring group, all welcome to join and post your work after answering a few questions https://www.facebook.com/groups/1001687210223212/
#homedecor #fluidart #easyabstractart #gillykube #acrylicpouring #dutchpour