Bungie Just Revealed ALL our New Abilities (Void 3.0) | Destiny 2 Witch Queen

Bungie just droppped an article detailing all the new Aspects and Fragments coming to each subclass in void 3.0 with the launch of Witch Queen.
#Destiny2 #Aspects #VoidSubclasses
Check out our live reaction to the Witch Queen ViDoc!
0:00 Intro
4:55 Titan
7:37 Hunter
10:42 Warlock
13:20 Fragments
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Bungie Just Revealed ALL our New Abilities (Void 3.0) | Destiny 2 Witch Queen

Destiny Destiny 2 Destiny bungie Bungie Destiny Aztecross Aztecross Aspects Fragments Child of the Old Gods Bastion Controlled Demolition Offesive Bulwark Chaos Accellerant Feed the Void Void 3.0 Grenades Trapers Ambush Vanishing Step Stylish Exocutiioner Devour Warlock Volitile Titan Hunter Shadowdive Shatterdive Supressor Suppressor Grenade Witch Queen Mars Trailer News ViDoc TWAB Ward of Dawn Nova Bomb Nightstalker Sentinel Voidwalker

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