Hey Everyone !
It’s Rakshita Singh
I m a second professional MBBS student
In this video i have shared my experience of how my life changed after being an MBBS
How much respect u will earn in society
How peoples opinion will change after knowing that u r an MBBS
Also i teach NEET students for free !!!
U just need to download UNACADEMY and use code RAKSHITA to join these free sessions.
Use the link - https://www.unacademy.com/user/rakshita_singh07
Also if u guys need free Notes , tests & mindmaps etc u should definitely checkout my telegram channel
For those who r interested in the life of a medical student can checkout my Instagram page
Incase u guys need any help
Lemme know in the comments
Thnks for reading out till here .
Aur itna paadh hi liya h toh subscribe bhi krdo yaar😜
I hope u guys liked the video
See u guys in next one
Till thn
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