During a recent episode of his "Firebrand" podcast, Matt Gaetz spoke with Marjorie Taylor Greene about how much they apparently loathe the federal government and how they hope that it shuts down. Greene even went as far as to claim that all Congress does is hurt people, but isn't that more of an admission that she just sucks at her job? Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://twitter.com/repmattgaetz/status/1491790911008772106?s=11
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This week on his fire brand podcast, Republican representative, Matt gates spoke with of course, Marjorie Taylor green, about how much the duo just apparently hate the federal government that they work for, and that they both wanted to shut down. Now, during this exchange, which I will not subject you to Matt gates starts off by talking about the continuing resolution, which of course is to continue funding the government so that we avoid a shutdown. It had been extended a couple months ago. We're coming back up on the time where you gotta extend it again. But the two of them basically think ask, screw the government that we work for, shut it down because all they do is harm people. And Matt gates throws it to Marjorie Taylor green to get her take on this. And she says this quote, I'm totally fine with shutting down the government.
The government is creating havoc and causing all the problems in Americans lives. Why do a continuing resolution? When these people are just failing Americans every day, y'all y'all realize you are the government, right? So when you talk about them creating all or causing all, cuz you said causing all the problems in Americans' lives, you realize that's you, right? I mean, there's gotta be at least one brain cell between the two of you that understands when you're and complaining that the government does nothing that you're actually talking about your yourself, right? Or am I just living in crazy town? I'm in Matt gates district. So yes, apparently I am. But here's the thing that always drives me crazy. And I've talked about this for years. Republicans go out there and they tell the public, the government sucks. The government sucks and we wanna destroy it.
We wanna bring it down. We wanna get rid of lots of government. So Hey, go ahead and elect me. And I I'll go to government. I get to be the very thing that I'm telling you sucks. And then while I'm being the thing that I'm telling you sucks, I'm gonna continue telling you it sucks while doing absolutely nothing to make your life better because that's the other point that these two Nimrods seem to miss in their conversation here. What have either of you put forward in terms of legislation that would make the lives of anybody in this country besides the 100% better? Huh? What have you done? What have you done to help put more money in the pockets of regular people? What have you done to help regular people stop getting screwed over by the corporations that they work for? What have you done to make their lives safer?
Nothing neither of these individuals, either Matt gates or Marjorie Taylor green have done a thing for people and they have the audacity to go out there and tell their audience that the government's not doing anything for you. Well, they're right because they're the government and they're doing nothing while trying to blame it on the other side. Do you know why we're not getting a lot of good things that we should have right now? Like the build back better act because not a single Republican supports it. And I know I've talked at length about Kirsten cinema and Joe mansion in the Senate killing build back better. But the truth is if even just three Republicans in the Senate supported, it it'd be the law. If Republicans in the house showed their support for it and pressured those in the Senate to do it, it would already be signed into law.
And it does create literally in some instances, direct cash payments for American citizens, it would help lower prescription drug prices. It would provide childcare. It would have provided two years of free community college. It would've done all these things to make everybody's lives better, but people like Matt gates and Marjorie Taylor green torpedoed it. And then they again have the audacity to go out there and tell you the government's not doing anything for you. It's causing all your problems. And it is because we have people like Marjorie Taylor green and Matt gates working in our government. Imagine if you went up to your boss today and you told your boss, boss, listen, this company sucks. I hate this company. And I want to shut this company down, which is essentially what gates and green said in this seg
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