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#Shakemate benefits
I Am Independent Herbalife Associates. Views expressed in this video are that of an individual and not evaluated by Herbalife Nutrition Company & FDA (Food & Drug Administration). Herbalife products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Results are not typical. Individual results may vary °ALL RESULTS VARY DEPENDING ON YOUR EFFORTS°**
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake mix makes a great tasting shake, specifically formulated with all necessary quality soy protein isolate, as Nutritional Formula 1 Nutritional Shake mix makes a great tasting shake, specifically formulated with all necessary quality soy protein isolate, as Nutritional Food product for nutritional requirements. Packed with vitamins & minerals along with natural herbs, antioxidants and dietary fiber, it provides desired protein and nutrition without overloading unnecessary fat and calories. One serving of Formula 1 shake mix provides 90 kcals of energy Enjoy Formula shakes once or twice a day along with portion controlled nutrition and exercise to help towards keeping the body fit Formula 1 Nutritional shake mixes are tested for Glycemic index (GI) and test result confirms it as low GI *** F1 Nutritional shake mixes are tested for low GI by Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
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