Shivamogga Murder: Shriraj Nair Says ‘Incident Is a Result of Appeasement And Support to Terrorism’

#RepublicTV #ShivamoggaMurderCase #JusticeForHarsha

On speaking with Republic, Shriraj Nair explains why such violence occurs and blames political parties for supporting terrorism.

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Shivamogga Murder: Shriraj Nair Says ‘Incident Is a Result of Appeasement And Support to Terrorism’

justice for harsha justice for harsha tamil bajrang dal activist harsha murder case karnataka harsha news bajrang dal activist harsha bajrang dal activist allegedly murdered bajrang dal karnataka shivamogga murder case murder in shivamogga harsha death in shimoga security has been tightened in shivamogga bajrang dal activist harsh killed shivamogga live today union minister demands nia probe in shivamogga murder union minister writes to karnataka cm demands niaprobe

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