It wasn't long ago that motocross and off-road bikes were kickstart only. Then, when the magic button started showing up, there was a time where bikes had both, e-start button and kickstarter, in case of a dead battery or other electrical issues. Fast forward to today's modern dirt bikes and pretty much all are electric start only... with only one button. As we have all seen in racing and on trail rides, a stupid tip over or run-in with some rouge branches can either destroy that start button or rip the wires out of it. Then what do you do? Bump starting isn't always an option. That's where the Nihilo SOS (Secondary On Switch) comes in handy.
#motocross #dirtbikes #moto
Vital MX motocross supercross dirt bikes mx motorcycle Start button Electric start Dirt bike start button Dirt bike review Dirt Bike parts review Nihilo Nihilo Concepts Nihilo SOS Nihilo SOS Backup Starter Button