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As a farmer, how much care do you put into making certain your crops have a healthy, bounty-producing foundation?
Today we’re joined by Brad Morgan, Founder and Owner of Morgan Composting and Dairy Doo , located in Sears, Michigan. Morgan Composting Inc is a family business that was started in 1996. The Morgans began composting as a solution to a manure problem on their dairy farm. Morgan Composting’s goal is to be a driving force in Agribusiness that promotes sustainable practices, and to be an innovative provider of economical soil health products. Their mission is to strive for excellence in their service to customers, their community, and the environment. Tune in today to hear all about the fine art of composting from a seasoned compost master !
You’ll hear:
Brad’s method of disposing of manure on the farm 1:25
What’s offered in Brad’s product line expansion 7:19
How the greenhouse products are different 17:06
How the flower mix differs from the Seed Starter 101 19:40
What Brad’s desire for growth (if any) is with Dairy Doo 25:32
Where they source from 31:07
What Brad’s advice is for composting/fertility for a newer farmer 38:43
About the Guest:
Morgan Composting is a family business that was started in 1996, by Brad Morgan and his father, Dale. Brad began composting as a solution to a manure management problem on his 200-head dairy operation. Now the cows have been sold and Morgan Composting designs, manufactures, and distributes powerful and organic soil amendments, fertilizers, and potting soil mixes for the homeowner and agriculture sectors under the DAIRY DOO brand.
The Thriving Farmer Podcast Team would like to thank our amazing sponsors!
Rimol Greenhouse Systems has been supporting local growers since 1994. Rimol Greenhouse offers superior strength and craftsmanship with their structures and product lines. We offer multiple sizes of gothic high tunnels, gutter-connected and free-standing greenhouses. Rimol Greenhouse manufactures their diverse product line in New Hampshire, using American Steel and Aluminum.
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At Agrigro , we know that in today’s modern agriculture, our efforts can deplete life or add life. When you look for ways to add life, it’s sustainable and makes everything work better. The result is enhanced plant and soil health for crops, gardens, and turf, as well as improved animal health and environment for livestock and wildlife.
Our products are all-natural, easy to use, and friendly to the soil, the plant, as well as the grower. AgriGro’s® formulations deliver essential plant nutrition along with an advanced prebiotic concentrate, which significantly increases the multitude of beneficial native microbial species already residing in the production environment.
Through these environmentally sound technologies, we’re adding life to crop production, livestock, home, turf, and wildlife markets. You don’t have to be dependent on crop production efforts that deplete life… Just Add Life with AgriGro® .