China, EU mark one year since geographical indications deal takes effect

China and the European Union are marking one year since an agreement on geographical indications.

The deal is meant to protect 200 food specialties of both sides.

A GI is a distinction given to an agri-food product that has a quality or reputation linked to its geographic origin and production history.

A GI name is exclusively assigned to a product manufactured according to a certain rule.

The China-EU deal came into effect in March 2021.

It protects 100 EU products in China and 100 Chinese products in the EU against imitation and misuse.

The list of Chinese products includes Shaoxing wine, Anji white tea and Panjin rice.

The EU list includes Bavarian beer, Parma ham and Magina mountain olive oil.

China is the EU's third-largest destination for agri-food exports.

The agreement is their first large-scale mutual recognition of geographical indications.

Officials say this has further strengthened bilateral trade and economic cooperation, and has introduced consumers to products from the two regions with a rich culinary and cultural tradition.

The deal has also been seen as a breakthrough in improving intellectual property protection.

Its scope will expand to cover 350 more products by 2025.

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China, EU mark one year since geographical indications deal takes effect

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