chocoTaco Doesn't Come Here Often ft. HollywoodBob & OG Pickle - Erangel Squads Gameplay

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's HollywoodBob coming back from the comeback arena! Oh shoot, it was just a piece of trash. Oh well. In other news, the place on the thumbnail doesn't have a name on the map as far as I can tell, dear viewer. I thought it was Ferry Pier for a while, but it's not. It's just a little coastal cluster of buildings, and I like it. But apart from this fun location, this game also contains a nearly clean sweep of Military (there was so much fighting - it was great), hot sauces with disrespectful names, some REALLY strong language from The chocolate Tacolate (aw jeez!), Bob definitely coming back from the comeback arena multiple times, an annoying headphone cable, terrible houses for fighting, bad guys with terrible aim, and OG Pickle kind of owning at the end. Enjoy! - Beth

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Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, #chocoTaco #PUBG #HollywoodBob

chocoTaco Doesn't Come Here Often ft. HollywoodBob & OG Pickle - Erangel Squads Gameplay

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