ब्रह्माण्ड मे मिले पृथ्वी जैसे ग्रह जहां एक बार जरूर जाना | Most Habitable Exoplanets Discovered Ep3

ब्रह्माण्ड मे मिले पृथ्वी जैसे ग्रह जहां एक बार जरूर जाना | Most Habitable Exoplanets Discovered Ep3

Hey guys, An exoplanet or extrasolar planet is a planet outside the Solar System. Scientists have discovered thousands of exoplanets some of them are so much strange and extreme for life but some planets are habitable more than Earth and we humans can make our colonies on these planets.

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Edited, and Voice by:

[ Akash Kumar, Om Prakash & Kaushik]

ब्रह्माण्ड मे मिले पृथ्वी जैसे ग्रह जहां एक बार जरूर जाना | Most Habitable Exoplanets Discovered Ep3

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