I wrote this poem to help get the mighty Mallard back in steam well in time for her 100th Birthday in 2038. At 126 miles per hour, Mallard still holds the world speed record for steam locomotive traction and has held it since the 3rd of July 1938 when she was just a few months old. I am happy to say that the National Railway Museum love this poem and have kept a copy of it in Mallard's tech file. I am thinking of setting up a 'Sitting Duck' fund to help fund the the expense of getting Mallard back in steam, with the NRM's cooperation and agreement naturally. Lastly, I will cheefully credit the oiginal owner of the comipiled footage shown in this presentation, when I know who they are. Thanks for watching. If you like what you see, do a give a thumbs up and do subscribe and 'ting' the bell icon to get all future updates - Max