Quandary Peak, CO - Hiking Our First 14er in Winter

Quandary Peak in Breckenridge, CO was our first 14er and we did it in the winter.

This hike had so many important parallels and lessons for accomplishing hard tasks in life and business. Watch till the end for a recap of 3 main lessons I gathered from this hike that I think anyone can relate to and use in their personal development.

As a direct sales, and merchant service sales coach, I like to find and bring the greatest lessons and motivation through real-life experiences such as this hike to Quandary.

Residual income had allowed my family & I to consistently find the next adventure and push ourselves to be at our best in all categories.

If you are interested in creating are residual income so you can begin building a financially free future via residual income I'd love to connect with you further. Visit http://ezdirectsales.ocm to set up a call.

Find more videos on Owning Your Life and the greatest direct sales opportunity that exists in my free training site at http://coaching.ezdirectsales.com

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/iamjoewagner/

Quandary Peak, CO - Hiking Our First 14er in Winter

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