SCP-016 Sentient Micro-Organism Explained in Hindi | THE MOST DANGEROUS VIRUS | Scary Rupak |

SCP-016 is one of the most dangerous viruses the world can ever witness. SCP-016 converts people into a unique creature that can transform it's body according to the given situation. And each transformation can be very different from the other one. SCP-016 was released in a mine by a worker who became the first victim of the virus. Later, more workers turned out to be infected from this deadly SCP.
SCP Foundation reached to the location with their forces to neutralise all SCP-016 except one whom they took to the Site for the purpose of study & research.

This video, being derived from http://scp-wiki written by DrClef, is
released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0.

SCP-016 Sentient Micro-Organism Explained in Hindi | THE MOST DANGEROUS VIRUS | Scary Rupak |

sentient micro organism scp-016 scp 016 scp hindi scary rupak scp scp virus most dangerous scp virus scary rupak hindi

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