Romans 1:16 KJV
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Colossians 4:6 KJV
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Prophecy is unfolding before our eyes and literally jumping off the pages of the bible daily. We are in the end times and Jesus is coming to rapture His Saints soon! Millions will soon vanish, the world will say aliens but it will be Jesus taking His people to Heaven! The KING of KINGS, LORD of LORDS is coming! Come Lord Jesus 🙏🏾

Titus 2:13 KJV, 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 KJV, Ephesians 2: 8-9 KJV, Romans 10:9-10 KJV

The ABC's of salvation by ❤️
A-Admit that you are a sinner in need of a savior. Romans 3:10, 3:23 KJV
B- Believe that Jesus is Lord , died for your sins and rose from the dead. Romans 5:8, 6:23 KJV
C- Call upon his name. Romans 10:9, 10:13 KJV

Tik Tok Video Credit: chloemackmack

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The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.