Vivi's Kitchen Garden: Seedlings, quantities and timings.

It's time to get on with some more seed sowing; today it's tomatoes and Nepeta Cataria (Catnip) should also have been squash but they're delayed by a day. I'm also checking on my sweet pepper seedlings and getting them ready for their next stage. As I tend to these things I chat about planning my timings and quantities etc and the importance of my notebook! Toms and Nepeta sown 18th of April.

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Vivi's Kitchen Garden: Seedlings, quantities and timings.

vivi gregory organic gardening living without a wage self-sufficiency frugal living frugal gardening frugal life frugal garden frugal vegetable growing frugal food frugal meals seedlings seed sowing timings seed sowing quantities how many plants per person how many vegetable plants per person growing notes vegetable growing notebook grow sweet peppers grow Nepeta from seed grow catnip from seed grow tomatoes from seed how to grow tomatoes winter squash

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