We are born with a purpose! | Dr Asher Andrew Messages | God Greatest Miracles | Subhavaartha TV

We are born with a purpose! You aren’t alone. Many people go through life feeling discouraged about themselves and thinking they don’t have a purpose in life. But that’s not true. Whoever you are—whatever your life experiences, talents, physical ability, or role—you have a purpose. God created you! You are not an mishap! God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. Nothing can happen without God ordaining it.

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Trust in the Lord - https://youtu.be/uCEkhOHPfqI

Love for God - https://youtu.be/2gHBJ2TqoMo

New Year Message, Pastor M Devadas - https://youtu.be/41xX5azVaaU

God will take care of you, Part 6 - https://youtu.be/xxLB-g8m0CY

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We are born with a purpose! | Dr Asher Andrew Messages | God Greatest Miracles | Subhavaartha TV

We are born with a purpose! Dr Asher Andrew Messages God Greatest Miracles Subhavaartha TV reason of birth born with a purpose bible verse born for a purpose why are we born to suffer miracles in human life purpose of born jesus love we are born as answer god love god love on human god greatest miracles christian messages latest christian messages jesus songs telugu jesus messages telugu christian speeches

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