We are born with a purpose! You aren’t alone. Many people go through life feeling discouraged about themselves and thinking they don’t have a purpose in life. But that’s not true. Whoever you are—whatever your life experiences, talents, physical ability, or role—you have a purpose. God created you! You are not an mishap! God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. Nothing can happen without God ordaining it.
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Trust in the Lord - https://youtu.be/uCEkhOHPfqI
Love for God - https://youtu.be/2gHBJ2TqoMo
New Year Message, Pastor M Devadas - https://youtu.be/41xX5azVaaU
God will take care of you, Part 6 - https://youtu.be/xxLB-g8m0CY
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