We are the Original Landlords of our Land. Referred to as: My Lord & My Lady

All Foreigners would refer to all Gingerbread People (Indigenous Negro Population) As "My Lord" to the Gingerbread Men and to the Gingerbread Women "My Lady". Of her Land. (Technically)
Thank you very much to all my Subscribers Continue to email or fax them the Rules & Regulations of the Promised Land here to the Vampires on Page 4. https://pub.lucidpress.com/02c56dde-cf36-48cf-b81e-bb256c56b3e2/
Because the U.S. News Media Groups are the Real VAMPIRES! https://youtu.be/YIbhRsjhTf0 and

Job in the Bible is Spice 1. https://youtu.be/S8K31tTV554.
Actually Job might be Too Short! He was dealing with these grimy ass hoes that was giving him the Blues https://youtu.be/kBZunX8AErI . But back to Spice 1. Because he speaks of his pain and torment of his community caused by the infiltration of of black and white Vampires and Coon Terminators.
This is why he had to be this https://youtu.be/Vql1ira640Q
We don't die, bitch don't try: https://youtu.be/6pp36fkveI8
Cause you "We" https://youtu.be/m2r745D-Rks

Our Patent is already Complete, so you do not have to donate. Only Donate if you want to. Thank you very much. Thank you very much Faatimah Muhammad
Promised Land Website: https://www.katherinepromise.land
Email me with any questions, or concerns. katherinerhp@gmail.com or ssheajetsuns13@gmail.com

We are the Original Landlords of our Land. Referred to as: My Lord & My Lady

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