7 Things You Should Keep Private

Do you believe in the importance of privacy? Some people certainly do. No matter how much we may want to open up and share our true selves with others, the kind of connection we crave can only be satisfied if we respect our own privacy and be careful about who it is we let in. So here are a few things we recommend you keep private!

We also made another video on the things you shouldn't say sorry for: https://youtu.be/1TA9FDA212I

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Amanda Silvera www.youtube.com/amandasilvera
Animator: Billie
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but general guidance. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

7 Things You Should Keep Private

things you should never share things you should always keep to yourself things better left unsaid things you should always keep private things you should always keep secret things you should never share with anyone things to keep a secret secrets facts self help too much information tmi oversharing privacy private personal information psychology personal information management private information confidential psych2go psych 2 go psych to go psychtogo

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