A Chilled Out Beach Fishing Session | Sea Fishing UK

Shore fishing in Northumberland can be tough in April. Bad weather and big swells saw me heading back out to a sheltered estuary for a bit of beach fishing. Flounder were my main target but had the outside chance of getting a bass, since there was a large swell running at the mouth of the river.
It's really rewarding fishing in Northumberlandno matter the target due to the views and surrounding nature.

Rod- Any Fish Anywhere GB FS PRO
Reel- Penn Battle III LC 8000

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A Chilled Out Beach Fishing Session | Sea Fishing UK

flounder fishing fluke fishing how to catch flounder 14ft rod afaw any fish any where beach casting beach fishing catch and release fishing gb fs pro northumberland sea angling uk shore fishing uk slippy limpets surf fishing sea fishing uk shore fishing fishing in the uk beach fishing uk sea fishing rigs uk sea fishing fishing northumberland shore fishing in northumberland big cod cod fishing uk fishing for flounder flounder fishing tips fluke

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