ABCDE matching | lkg class english Worksheets | match the letters with pictures | english worksheets

ABCD matching | lkg class english Worksheets | match the letters with pictures | english worksheets

First of all, Thank you for visiting my description box, Today I have shown you how to draw alphabet A to Z step-by-step in a very easy way. I hope you like this video.

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#Tiktikrhymes #abcd #abcdlearning

a for apple
b for boy
c for cat
d for doll
e for elephant
f for frog
g for goat
h for horse
i for ice cream
j for juice
k for kite
l for lion
m for mango
n for nest
o for owl
p for peacock

q for queen
r for rat
s for sun
t for tree
u for umbrella
v for vegetables
w for watch
x for x-ray
y for yak
z for zebra

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आ से आम
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• #असेअनार​, #आसेआम​, #कसेकबूतर​,

ABCDE matching | lkg class english Worksheets | match the letters with pictures | english worksheets

a for apple English alphabets abc song children songs nursery rhymes abcd A FOR ANT For Kids a for apple b for ball A For Apple a for apple b for ball c for cat phonics sounds of alphabets a b c d e f g english alphabets english varnamala phonics Hindi rhymes playlist Hindi rhymes nursery hindi rhymes kids videos a se anar k se kabutar kids Education kids Entertainment Ball cat dog eye fish Goat English vowels vowels english consonants consonants

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