DANUBE INDUSTRIES LIMITED | Investment Ideas | Multibagger stocks | Penny Stocks | Best Stock, as this title clearly shows that this video is about the best stocks to buy in 2022 for short term, medium term & long term, available in Indian stock market, if you want to invest.
This Company DANUBE INDUSTRIES LIMITED is a BSE Listed IT services company. Current Price of the stock is near about 35, while the target price with in 3 months is 230 which is almost 650% return in 3 months and 720 in 1 year which is 2400%. This is almost a zero debt company.
This is one of the best multibagger stock available in Indian stock market (Bombay Stock Exchange & National Stock Exchange) to invest in current market.
This share is a perfect pick in current scenario, on all aspects of Fundamental analysis & Technical Analysis.
So don't miss the opportunity of this high return. Buy this stock at current price, hold for 3 months and 2400% return will be yours.
Happy Investing.
Disclaimer :- This Video is just for the entertainment and knowledge purpose, Consult with your financial advisor before investing. Channel will not be responsible for any loss or profit.