Having a baby is a time of great excitement and joy. But sometimes things don’t go as well as we’d hope, and what should be an exciting time turns into a devastating experience. But in the midst of it all, God shows up, reminding us of the beautiful miracle of life. On this one-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Chris and Julie Reuschel share their story as young parents carrying a baby that would likely die before she was born. With a diagnosis of Trisomy 13, little Faith stayed in the womb for 37 weeks. She was born without a heartbeat, but a few seconds later, God intervened and she gasped for breath. The Reuschels experienced forty-five beautiful minutes with living Faith before she passed. A couple years later, after their son Elliott was born, they founded a ministry called Faith45 to help families through pregnancy and infant loss. Through this ministry, they supply FaithBoxes—resources to support and encourage families in grief. Following a miscarriage at 10 weeks, Julie and Chris now have a little girl named Sophie in addition to their son.
Get the Reeuschel's book, I Will Carry You: https://bit.ly/3MGrzdz
For more resources on this topic: https://bit.ly/3rXhOzs
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