I Get Hate For Putting Tattoos On My 1-Year-Old | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

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HAVE you ever seen a tattoo on a baby?! Fashion designer and tattoo enthusiast, Shamekia, went viral on social media after posting videos and pictures of her one-year-old son covered in tattoos. Baby Treylin, who is otherwise known as NuggetWorld561, got his first tattoo at six months old. Shamekia says that every tattoo he gets is designed to signify a milestone in his life. Although Treylin is popular on the internet, making it to 1.5 million followers on TikTok, Shamekia gets a lot of hate for choosing to tattoo her child. “People say I’m raising him as a gangster and a thug,” she told Truly. “The backlash was horrible because I know I’m not a bad mum." Despite the haters, Shamekia continues to cover Treylin in tattoos. She says: “My opinion of being a good mum is being their cheerleader, their go-to person and their bestfriend. I don’t care what haters say because this is the lifestyle that we enjoy."

Follow baby Nugget online:
Instagram: @nuggetworld561
TikTok: @nuggetworld561_

With thanks to Zoe and the team at Tattoo Addicts, West Palm Beach

Videographer: Marcus Cooper
Producers: Milly Martin, Yasmin Walker
Editor: Reuben Yarwood

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I Get Hate For Putting Tattoos On My 1-Year-Old | MY EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY

amazing stories amazing story barcroft tv barcroft documentary real life Truly 2022 247591 Tattoos baby family may2022 Tattooed babies fake tattoos mother

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