Putin Threatens "Lightning-Fast Strikes" On Those Who Intervene In Russian Military Operations

- Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded to western "threats" with a threat of his own, stating that the Russian army is prepared to deliver lightning-fast strikes with strategic weapons. Source: Vladimir Putin, speaking to Russian parliamentarians in St. Petersburg Quote from Putin: "If someone decides to intervene in current events from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for Russia, then [they] must know that our response, our retaliatory strikes, will be lightning-fast, quick. We have all the tools for this - such that no one else can boast of right now. And we won't brag - we'll use them if needed! And everyone should know about it! All decisions in this regard have already been made." #Breaking #Russia #EMP

Learn More: https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-threatens-lightning-fast-strikes-135038698.html

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Putin Threatens "Lightning-Fast Strikes" On Those Who Intervene In Russian Military Operations

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