Research of Digital-Analog Conversion Method for Reproduction of Mechanical Oscillations

Stanislav Danylenko, Oleksander Vechur, Mariya Shirokopetleva

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Nauky Ave. 14, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine

This paper considers the development of software-hardware complex for an alternative method of sound reproduction – by means of air. The concept of this method, the justification of this possibility and the implementation of the software-hardware complex, which is a mechanical device with connected fans for the distribution of air flows and software for its operation. Particular attention is paid to the algorithm for converting the input digital signal to the output analog one, which is based on the sound frequency analysis, and the output is generated using a mechanical device using PWM. Experiments were conducted to study the effectiveness of this method using humans and other software system. Based on the results of experiments, conclusions were made about the possibility of its use

Research of Digital-Analog Conversion Method for Reproduction of Mechanical Oscillations

Software-hardware complex sound characteristics auditory perception digital-to-analog conversion Fourier transform spectrum analysis pulse-width modulation Arduino

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