The Gargantuan Leviathan EATING the SUNBEAM Is Even Better Now! | Subnautica: Return of the Ancients

Now, I know I literally just made a video on the Gargantuan Leviathan or Return of the Ancients mod but recently there has been a brand new update. So, I’m going to be checking out all the new additions in this video including an improved animation where the Gargantuan Leviathan eats the Sunbeam, the Alpha Peeper, an improved shock wave attack for the Gargantuan Leviathan, and much more...

►Previous mod video (where the garg eats the Neptune Rocket):
►Scaring my friend with this mod:
►Join the Architects of the Unknown Discord Server:
►Gargantuan Leviathan mod playlist:
►Subnautica mods playlist:'

This mod is currently unreleased so there is no way to download it for the time being. When it is finished, it will be available for free. Right now, it is only available to select YouTubers like Aci, Anthomnia, IGP, and The Last Bacon. In other words, you can't get it yet.

Music by:
Simon Chylinski

#subnautica #gargantuanleviathan #mod

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Not Subnautica But It's Minecraft, Subnautica In A Nutshell, Subnautica Recreated Block By Block, Subnautica is a weird game, Subnautica makes total sense, Subnautica Theory, a Subnautica Challenge, or Subnautica: Below Zero, this is SpeedyMouse playing the Gargantuan Leviathan or Return of the Ancients mod and checking out the brand new update with all the new additions. Similar to: So the Gargantuan Leviathan Mod got an update, The GARGANTUAN LEVIATHAN is ALIVE! | Subnautica Mod Brings the Once Extinct Leviathan Back To Life, Breaking the GARGANTUAN LEVIATHAN Mod with Commands, The Gargantuan Leviathan EATS the SUNBEAM Now, Skeleton GARGANTUAN LEVIATHANS, The Gargantuan Leviathan's NEW ATTACK Is Terrifying, A New Gargantuan Leviathan EATING the SUNBEAM Animation, Scaring My Friend with the GARGANTUAN LEVIATHAN in VR, The Gargantuan Leviathan EATS the NEPTUNE ROCKET Now, de-extinction, Cthulu and Kraken, the Bloop and Blaza, and the Frozen Leviathan.

The Gargantuan Leviathan EATING the SUNBEAM Is Even Better Now! | Subnautica: Return of the Ancients

the gargantuan leviathan leviathans mod modding modded new eat eats eating trading ship sunbeam is even better now improved animation animations they made jump jumps jumping out of water grabbing swallow grab grabs mouth quarantine enforcement platform subnautica return ancients update updates architect precursor speedymouse alpha peeper added shock wave attack juvenile baby personal teleportation device alien builder tool cyclops scanner module

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