They Drained This Canal For The First Time In Decades, And What They Discovered Is Truly Bizarre

We have all heard of amazing relics and items found underground, from ancient cursed tombs to entire cities and civilizations! But what about the things that have disappeared into a watery grave? We tend to forget that the world has changed a lot geographically, and many fascinating and mysterious things are hidden under the water still. What used to be a dry piece of land may be an ocean today. As difficult as it is to discover things that are under water, we have made a list for you of the most spectacular finds!
From a meteorite that’s as old as our solar system, to the many secrets kept by a city’s canal… here are 20 Bizarre Discoveries Found in Drained Water Bodies

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They Drained This Canal For The First Time In Decades, And What They Discovered Is Truly Bizarre

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