-What is yoga & different kinds of yoga.
-About atma & Paramatma who are like 2 birds sitting on a branch of a tree.
-If you chant holy names maya will disappear & the soul can see Supersoul.
-Meaning of maha-mantra.
-If you chant maha-mantra all your unhappiness, distress will disappear.
-Meaning of AUM.
-Narada Rishi gave the mantra Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya to Dhruva Maharaja & Prahlada Maharaja.
-Mantra meaning & how it saves baddha jivas.
-How 3 modes of nature act during different times of day.
-You aren't this body but a soul.
-Be inquisitive about the soul.
-Chant holy names & you will conquer death.