I let this RANDOM spinning wheel decide who i draw ✨JOHNNY DEPP✨ as😩*So hardd*😭 | JULIA GISELLA

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Watercolours: Winsor and newton https://amzn.to/3mnlQOg
Pencils: Caran d’ache luminance https://amzn.to/3uCqIT9
Da Vinci Casaneo Brushes 6 https://amzn.to/3Bm3rYx
Da Vinci Casaneo Brush 2 https://amzn.to/3Bm3tzD
Winsor and Newton Brush 6 https://amzn.to/3l7n2ps
4. Winsor and Newton Brush 12 https://amzn.to/3uCabi2
5. Winsor and Newton Brush 000 https://amzn.to/3uCFsl8

Frog tape: https://amzn.to/3B6FtQE
Gouache white: https://amzn.to/2WGqfTC


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I let this RANDOM spinning wheel decide who i draw ✨JOHNNY DEPP✨ as😩*So hardd*😭 | JULIA GISELLA

johnny depp justiceforjohnnydepp Camille Vasquez johnny camille amberheard amber johnny art challenge colouring sketching pencil art drawing art pencil art tutorial easy art easy sketches easy sketches for beginners satisfying art drawing painting ipad digital art procreate filter julia gisella 3d painting arts disney realism

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