Milwaukee car thieves known as kia boys driving erratically!! 😳😳 #shorts

Milwaukee car thieves known as kia boys driving erratically!! 😳😳 #shorts

In this channel you're going to see idiots in cars and car crashes!

In these type of videos Im trying to show situations on the roads which are for educational purposes, so drivers can learn from other's mistakes, and not their own.

Please drive carefully so everyone can get home safe.
Traffic collisions often result in injury, disability, death, and property damage as well as financial costs to both society and the individuals involved. Road transport is the most dangerous situation people deal with on a daily basis, but casualty figures from such incidents attract less media attention than other, less frequent types of tragedy.
Drive safely and keep yourself and others safe.

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#IdiotsInCars, #CarCrashes, #CarCrashCompilation

Milwaukee car thieves known as kia boys driving erratically!! 😳😳 #shorts

watch people die inside idiots on cars car fail watch people die inside r/watchpeopledieinside people die inside watching people die inside perfectly cut off screams r/perfectlycutscreams perfect cut screams meme memes tiktok the all rounder shimpy trollias reddit dank memes 2020 die inside memes to watch when sad you laugh you lose try not to laugh idiots in cars r/idiotsincars funny car clips funny car fail unexpected clip central teslacam idiots in cars

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