Putin slams West’s "reckless" sanctions on Russia, blames US for global food crisis

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a combative speech on Friday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, saying that Russia's economy had weathered Western sanctions imposed after Moscow's intervention in Ukraine.

Putin accused the United States of treating other countries as "colonies," and said gloomy forecasts for the Russian economy had not been fulfilled.

He also described European sanctions on Russia as “reckless” and as a “double-edged sword,” detailing economic losses the European Union (EU) has suffered from imposing sanctions on Russia.

The Russian president blamed the U.S. for the global food crisis and reaffirmed his country’s obligations to boost production and increase exports to countries in most need.

Amid a lengthy denunciation of the United States and its allies, Putin said: "Nothing will be as it used to be in global politics."

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/8928138/russia-europe-natural-gas-exports-ukraine-war/

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Putin slams West’s "reckless" sanctions on Russia, blames US for global food crisis

global news RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN PUTIN russian economy sanctions on russia vladimir putin sanctions sanctions russia ukraine news ukraine kyiv russia ukraine war st petersburg st petersburg forum russian food exports russia grain exports russia invades ukraine

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