What if we had Hulk like Superpowers? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

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What if we had Hulk like Superpowers?
Firstly, if we had Hulk like Superpowers, villains may permanently start living underground.
Secondly, if we had Hulk like Superpowers, people may start jumping from one place to another, pilots may move to a different planet.
Thirdly, if we had Hulk like Superpowers, aliens might get amazed, they might start exercising like crazy to become like us.
Fourthly, if we had Hulk like Superpowers, thieves may start giving back the stolen goods.
Fifthly, if we had Hulk like Superpowers, other superheroes might not have much to do, they might start taking mid-day naps.
Lastly, if we had Hulk like Superpowers, Hulk may not like this, he may try to learn a new superpower.

0:00 - What if we had Hulk like Superpowers?
1:24 - What if Everybody started Living Underground?
2:31 - What if Humans were Immortal?

What if we had Hulk like Superpowers? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

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