ROBLOX or REAL LiFE? gotta flip to find out!!
HEY EVERYBODY!! I've been practicing tumbling and gymnastics a LOT lately and I wanted to do some tumbling tricks with my family for the video today! But Niko wanted to play cook the kids, Dad wanted to play find the animals, and Mom wanted to do an Obby! So we decided to do EVERYONE'S ideas.. with a TWiST! We all drew a picture of what we wanted to do on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl. Then we took turns drawing a paper out of the bowl to see what activity we would do! After that, we would flip a coin to decide if we play IRL (in real life) or in ROBLOX! The vlog was the first to draw from the bowl.. and he picked Niko's Idea "Cook the Kids" in real life! We all ran away from Dad so he couldn't cook us but he eventually caught us and grilled us into pancake kids and hot dog kids! The next activity was Mom's OBBY (obstacle course) idea! Dad set up a CRAZY basement obstacle course for us! We had to walk across the wobble bridge, climb over the couch, across the table that you aren't supposed to climb on, and jump over the STINKY garbage can! After that we did Roblox Gymnastics School! Adley is the boss of this tumbling school.. so I helped everyone learn what to do! After that we decided to do a few more tumbling tricks IRL but we needed a mat for the hard ground so we took out our super secret A for Adley tumbling mat! Finally we played dad's idea of finding the animals.. it was kind of like that time we had to be cat detectives and find all the missing kittens for Granny! We had so much fun playing the bowl game together, I think we will definitely do it again soon!
my last video - MYSTERY DRiNK GAME!! Adley & Mom make a Gross Family Challenge! Niko gets a Rainbow Juice surprise!
my dad's last video - WATER SLiDE x2 and DAD's Birthday!! Ultimate Beach Day with Family & Friends pirate island swimming
A for Adley Shorts -
Best Day Ever Shorts -
Gaming with Adley Shorts -
Spacestation Animation -
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*