Gurl Powerful Shorts #shorts #roevwade #roevwadeoverturned #prochoice #prolife #abortion #abortionrights #womensrights #empowerment #girlpowerful #gurlpowerful #girlpower #AMSR #supremecourtruling #powerfulwomen #successfulwoman #celebrityactivist #activist #teens #mindset #birthcontrol #birthcontrolrights

Just like Kat said this is Not what we fought for and its sad @mamaakyyy

successful woman richest female athletes top successful woman in the world female inventors civil rights leaders girl power girl powerful edith wilson first female doctor female rappers female fighters female mma female boxers female wrestlers top female gymnast female award winners female champions woman in aviation sexiest females in the world the first woman to top moms woman in the military roevwade roevswade supreme court ruling abortion AMSR