JWST finds most distant galaxy? MAYBE, but not quite… #shorts

More in next week’s Night Sky News! Here’s the research paper announcing this discovery of a possible most distant galaxy ever found in James Webb Space Telescope images: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.09434.pdf


👩🏽‍💻 I'm Dr. Becky Smethurst, an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford (Christ Church). I love making videos about science with an unnatural level of enthusiasm. I like to focus on how we know things, not just what we know. And especially, the things we still don't know. If you've ever wondered about something in space and couldn't find an answer online - you can ask me! My day job is to do research into how supermassive black holes can affect the galaxies that they live in. In particular, I look at whether the energy output from the disk of material orbiting around a growing supermassive black hole can stop a galaxy from forming stars.


JWST finds most distant galaxy? MAYBE, but not quite… #shorts

dr becky astrophysics physics space universe scientist solar system astronomer telescopes james webb space telescope hubble space telescope aliens first stars first light cosmology NASA ESA CSA becky smethurst infrared gold mirror MIRI NIRCam look back in time unfoldtheuniverse star cosmos redshift galaxy spectra technology exoplanets hydrogen JWST dust wasp 96-b SMACS 0732 southern ring nebula carina nebula stephan's quintet most distant galaxy HD1 GNz11 GLASSz13

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