New international driving permit features ‘Taiwan’ on cover

Taiwan has launched a new version of its international driving permit, which can be used in 95 countries and territories. The new license features the word "Taiwan" prominently on its front cover. Officials say the new edition will be easier to distinguish from permits issued by China. They say that permit applications are on the rise and are only set to increase over the summer holidays.

He’s brought his documents and his passport to apply for an international driving permit, ahead of an overseas trip.

On Friday, Taiwan launched a new edition of its international driving permit. This version features the English word “Taiwan” on its cover, displayed in a prominent position. One America-bound applicant says she’s eager to try out the new license.

Member of public
I had made plans to go abroad some time ago. I think that this license is quite special. Maybe when foreigners see the word “Taiwan,” they’ll get a clearer sense of where it is.

With the COVID pandemic easing, more and more people are applying for international driving permits. According to statistics from the Taipei Motor Vehicles Office, applications grew significantly in June. In the first week of June, more than 400 people made applications, and by the second week, that figure had nearly doubled. Applications are expected to increase even more.

Shen I-chun
Taipei Motor Vehicles Office
Because we’re just starting the summer holidays, and because the pandemic is easing, we feel that the number of applications will continue to increase. It’s looking like applications for Japanese-language international driving permits are also increasing.

Currently, Taiwan has reciprocal driver’s license agreements with 95 countries and territories. Roughly 160,000 permits used to be issued each year, but after the start of the pandemic, that figure fell to just above 30,000. However, with summer holidays beckoning, officials expect a resurgence of applications.

New international driving permit features ‘Taiwan’ on cover

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