Hello, Love, and welcome to my channel Yeh Teja Teja Kya hai. This is my vlog channel which I have started to connect with you all.
For business enquiry: tejasswi.team@gmail.com
Managed & Handled by:- Saurav Sanan
Instagram ID:- https://instagram.com/richaandsauravworld
Email Id: sauravricha88@gmail.com
#ACTRESS #VLOG #Tejasswi#TejasswiPrakash
khatron ke khiladi
Cinematographer and Video editor:- Ashish Mandal
Instagram ID:- https://instagram.com/itsashmanofficial
Email Id: ashmanworks@gmail.com
When my home turns into a studio | My home tour @Tejasswi Prakash
Extra Tags:
Tejasswi,Tejasswi prakash,Tejaswi,Khatron ke khiladi,tejasswi prakash,tejasswi prakash song,tejasswi prakash nagin 6,My home tour,When my home turns into a studio,Naagin 6,dance deewane junior,Lock up,bedroom home studio,bedroom to home studio,studio tour,home studio,dream studio,dream home studio,room setup ideas,behind the scenes,how i create videos for youtube,behind the scenes vlog,vlogger camera,filming vlog,daily life vlog,Teja teja kya hai