I'm happy with this method I found.
Not because it's perfect (it's not), but because it's foolproof and accessible instantly to any player, without need for practice, expertise, or even real understanding of what's going on. That's the kind of thing I like.
I've also noticed a potential problem with the other methods where sometimes I might also get a very thin gap, upgrade to hqm, and suddenly can't loot. So take care whatever you do.
Now, if you're up to practicing and mastering the dark secrets of rust building (which, really, you should, or why are you even here), head right over to Gabe's channel where he shows a method that does this with HQM, but requires some practice and expertise:
ALSO, you don't have to use a siren light. You can use a camera, or a speaker. Anything that can be stood upon and attached to the wall, really.
*Leave a TIP for old-man GameLightz:
* Business Email: GameLightzMusic@gmail.com
* The music in this video is my own original composition, and is copyrighted.