The Timeskip & Why Dragonflight is GENUINELY Exciting | The Weekly Reset World of Warcraft News

World of Warcraft Dragonflight alpha continues with new Dungeons Neltharus and Uldaman and zones, including the Dracthyr starting area Forbidden Reach. new Shaman talent trees, blacksmithing and alchemy profession (and profession gear) updates are all in place ready for phase 3 this week. What is the state of the alpha - and expansion -so far? Taleisn and Evitel look at why there is GENUINE reason to be excited about Dragonflight. join us for the Weekly Reset!

Wowhead Articles

Inclusivity Updates in Dragonflight - Body Type, Pronoun, and Voice Options Discovered:

Dialogue Between Greymane and Shaw on Dragonflight Alpha References Time Skip - Possible Scrapped Content?

Plate PvP Armor Models in Dragonflight:

Skinning Profession Equipment Models in Dragonflight:

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Theme Music by Jay the Bard: @Jaythebard

The Timeskip & Why Dragonflight is GENUINELY Exciting | The Weekly Reset World of Warcraft News

World of Warcraft Dragonflight alpha new dunggeons neltharus uldaman evoker dracthyr new tralent trees best dps class changes gold making professions new ui release date taliesin and evitel wow nes funny bellular

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