On July 11th, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the national emblem atop the new Parliament building that is being constructed at the Central Vista
However, the first look of this emblem has disappointed many with its alleged inaccuracies in its depiction.
The newly constructed emblem is 6.5 metres tall and 4.34 metres wide.
It is made of bronze and weighs about 9,500 kg.
Sunil Deore and Laxman Vyas created the emblem and the fabrication was carried out in Aurangabad, Jaipur and Delhi.
It took nine months to complete the bronze sculpture.
Read more: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/why-is-there-anger-over-the-new-national-emblem/article65657766.ece
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0:00 - 0:53 - About the newly constructed national emblem
0:53 - 01:48 - Significance of the national emblem of India
01:48 - 02:51 - What is the controversy behind the latest replica?
#NationalEmblem #CentralVista