Why eBay Resellers Always Miss Out... (Is This You??)

If you’re a reseller, odds are you’re missing out.

“Resellers are missing out on what, Chris?”

Glad you asked.

I’m a husband, a father, a 7-figure reseller who teaches people the ins and outs of eBay and the reselling industry, and I also have my own hobbies as well outside of reselling.

A lot of people ask me how I do everything without going crazy or missing out in other areas of my life.

Well, organization, prioritization, consistency and momentum are big factors that can’t be overlooked.

When I say you’re “missing out”, it’s not just about your career in reselling.

It can mean:

Good deals
Your listing goal
Peace of mind
Family time

As an entrepreneur, you’ll find all these areas are related: your personal life, your career, your mental and emotional well-being.

If you waste time in your career, it spills over into other areas of your life because now maybe you have other tasks you want to get done but have to wait because you need to get work done.

These reasons range from not understanding how long things take, not knowing how to list properly and much more.

Let’s get to it.

Subscribe to my channel for more tips like this! I go live every Monday, and Wednesday I go live with my mentorship group. Podcasts are every Friday and there are videos every Tuesday and Thursday as well. There’s always more value to be given!

Daily Refinement Reselling Resources

★ $35/month Reseller Mentorship: https://www.patreon.com/theresellerspodcast
We coach members ranging from $70 - $17k/ week profit and have experts on all platforms, eBay, Poshmark, Amazon, Whatnot, and an accountant in our group.
M-F 6AM PST Live Zoom Coaching w/ @dailyrefinement. Any question, any level.
M-F 7AM PST Live Beginner Coaching. Ask anything, no judgment.
Dedicated FB Group with 2,000 Members (Get your questions answered immediately.)
Tues 4PM 4 hour+ Coaching with $5M annual eBay seller @technsports
Make more money and save time, or a full refund. Bar none, #1 place to learn reselling.
Learn how to ship, photograph and list 20 items in less than one hour. Watch me do it here: https://youtu.be/m9XPNEa1TsY
Weekly dedicated live zoom calls focusing on toys, shoes, clothes, amazon, media (cds,books,videogames), and so much more.

★ Reseller Guides and Wholesale Reseller Boxes: https://www.dailyrefinement.com

★ Full List of Reseller Supplies I Use: https://bit.ly/resellersupplies

★ I resell 200 awesome items daily on Whatnot at 10AM PST
★ Join and get $10 Free on Whatnot here: https://whatnot.com/invite/dailyrefinement

★ My Updated Playlist of Updated Reseller Tutorials & Tips: https://bit.ly/2Qc8mVH

Why eBay Resellers Always Miss Out... (Is This You??)

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