15 Signs of a HIgh Value Man
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In this Alux.com video we will be answering the following questions:
What makes a high value man?
What are the signs a man is high value?
What are the traits of a high value man?
How. totell someone is high value?
What is like to be a high value man/
How do you become a high value man?

00:00 - Intro
00:58 - Top 10-5% in the social hierarchy ladder
02:41 - Someone who has transformed his life and is able to continuously do it based on choice
03:56 - In control of his own time
04:51 - Maxed out Stats
05:49 - Recognized by other high value peers
07:09 - Has a valuable network
08:07 - Is an employer
09:11 - Visible & Intriguing
10:29 - Can afford to walk away
11:31 - Has coaches keeping him at top performance
12:58 - Master of probability, not luck
14:00 - He’s not an “almost”
14:47 - Life has to keep going up
15:47 - Able, Confident & Assertive
17:16 - Reputation and Legacy
19:05 - Question

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15 Signs of a HIgh Value Man

Alux Alux.com Alux Youtube fine living high value high value man high value male signs high value man high value man traits high value man vs low value man alux high value high value man motivation high value man video how to be a high value man how to become a high value man what is a high value man