0:00 Introduction
1:27 Bumbling Tory MP Really Exposed to be 52% Thick Or 48% Dishonest?
3:25 My final thoughts.
Now is Bumbling Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, really exposed to be 52% thick as mince, or just 48% dishonest? Now that's up to you guys but yesterday on LBC's Nick Ferrari show, Jacob Rees-Mogg got side swiped with something he said in 2018 about there would be no queues at Dover, only in Calais. Well Nick asked him to apologise for getting it wrong after recent problems in Dover. Now I could make you listen or watch our Smugg, bumble his way through blaming the French, bumble his way through his apology of getting wrong for the right reasons and then bumble his way through telling people to boycott France and go to Portugal instead but why would I put your ears through that and it won't do my channel, or this video any favours either.
No, what you are about to listen to not the James O'Brien whole show but a snip of it, where received a call from a eagle eared guy called James, who picked up on something that James O'Brien missed and let's just say, it is well worth a listen.
#brexit #lbc #jacobreesmogg