I’M BACK! The Economy Isn’t Bad, You’re Just Stupid!!! | Louder with Crowder

CROWDER IS BACK! And so is the American recession. Or maybe "recession." It depends if you believe Joe Biden or every definition of the word since the 1940's. There's a lot to unpack. Also, they're apparently arresting people for social media posts in England now. And just when you thought NYC subways couldn't get any worse: It's an orgy! #biden #recession #trans

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Music by @Pogo

00:00 - We're Back and We're Getting Louder!
02:22 - Introductions
06:00 - So this New York...
09:10 - we are in a recession, seriously.
19:54 - Muppets Hecklers
20:33 - Federal Reserve increase during the recession
30:12 - 51 year old veteran arrested for causing anxiety on social media
43:00 - Drags are ruining America
46:20 - Trans in a church...
47:00 Crowder Rants
57:30 - Harpy Daniels is a gross navy drag queen.
1:01:00 - Youtube, Piss Off

I’M BACK! The Economy Isn’t Bad, You’re Just Stupid!!! | Louder with Crowder

steven crowder crowder stephen crowder louder with crowder LwC mug club Change My Mind Crowder Confronts comedy politics news liberal libertarian funny conservative current events fake news Dave Landau RECESSION joe biden

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