Is there No Hope left for Pakistan? - Dr. Prof. Pervez Hoodbhoy | Abbas Haidar (ViewPoint)

What's the fundamental problem with Pakistan that it runs into political issues more often than not? We are initiating a new series where we try to deconstruct it.
For the 2nd Interview of this series, we Interview @Pervez Hoodbhoy Official.

Other Interviews of the same series:

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0:00 Pervez Hoodbhoy
0:57 What's the problem of Pakistan?
7:57 Did Jinnah use Islam for Politics?
11:22 Was Jinnah a hypocrite?
14:43 Why Pakistan never became a democracy?
19:15 Use of Religion v/s Beleiving in Religion
24:45 Indian Army v/s Pakistani Army
29:00 Why does Army Intervene in Politics?
37:47 Problem with our Judiciary
41:29 Problem with our People | Solution
51:00 Is there a Practical Solution?
54:01 Civil War | Financial Default
57:37 Who would educate us?
59:38 The Current Political Situation of Pakistan
1:02:40 Who would Pervez Sahab Vote for?
1:03:55 Ending Remarks
1:05:36 Isn't Pervez Sahab afraid?
1:07:11 Thank You | Subscribe | Support

Is there No Hope left for Pakistan? - Dr. Prof. Pervez Hoodbhoy | Abbas Haidar (ViewPoint)

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