Living the Law of Attraction. "Thoughts Become Visible". #manifestation #manifest #lawofattraction

WHAT IS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION? The law of attraction works perfectly everytime. It is universal and ultra powerful. The law of attraction states that like attracts like, that wherever your attention goes energy flows, and you attract more of that into your life, whether you like it or not.

You can manifest and have anything you want with the law of attraction. It sounds simple that just by thinking what you want, you can achieve it. However, your ability to manifest what you want, depends on your faith and on how much you believe it.

Everything in the world is made out of energy vibrating in different frequencies. If you want a new car that you've been dreaming of, you have to send out the intention resonating the exact same frequency. you cannot send out an intention with doubt and desperation deep inside you.

Doubt and desperation are negative feelings which send out negative energy, and negative energy send you out of alignment. If you believe, stay in focus, and keep on persisting what you want, you will be sending a clear frequency to the universe which will align people, events and circumstances for you to achieve the life that you have been dreaming of.

Your power depends on your alignment with the universe. Positive thoughts, positive moods, positive emotions and positive feelings are high vibrating energy that will send and jeep you on the right alignment.

Welcome to my channel. I am a long time student of the law of attraction and manifested couple of things and events from a small pen, winning a race, free vacation, job, shoes, sponsorship, etc.

Follow along and I will share you all my proven techniques that I learned and experienced.

This daily ,motivation, affirmation and guide to living the law of attraction will help you manifest all your dreams in life if put into practice daily and regularly for at least 30 days.
There are no guaranteed results but your results depend on how strong your belief is.

#manifest #manifestation #manifesting #manifestmoney #manifestations #lawofattraction #loa #lawofassumption #affirmations #affirmation #thoughts #money #howtogetrich #business #millionaire #millionairelifestyle Welcome to my channel. I am a long time student of the law of attraction and manifested couple of things and events from a small pen, winning a race, free vacation, job, shoes, sponsorship, etc.

Follow along and I will share you all my proven techniques that I learned and experienced.

This daily ,motivation, affirmation and guide to living the law of attraction will help you manifest all your dreams in life if put into practice daily and regularly for at least 30 days.
There are no guaranteed results but your results depend on how strong your belief is.

#manifest #manifestation #manifesting #manifestmoney #manifestations #lawofattraction #loa #lawofassumption #affirmations #affirmation #thoughts #money #howtogetrich

Living the Law of Attraction. "Thoughts Become Visible". #manifestation #manifest #lawofattraction

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