Max Beauty, Intellect, Health & Genes Strong Affirmations

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Calm version:

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Description: This track contains hidden positive affirmations masked behind the music which aims to maximize your beauty, intelligence, health and genetic potential.

- Note: The visual affirmations in the video are only like "the tip of the iceberg" / just small snippets taken from the actual affirmations.

Download this sub ~
Music version -
Calm version -
Silent version -

(One Day Formula Updated)
- Built in mini booster
- Easily embed affirmations into subconscious
- Visualization aid
- Achieve the highest, utmost maximized beauty potential
- Face and all facial features constantly become more beautiful, gorgeous, better-looking in each second
- Hair constantly becomes more beautiful, gorgeous, better-looking in each second
- Body constantly becomes more beautiful, gorgeous, better-looking in each second
- Entire being constantly becomes more beautiful, gorgeous, better-looking in each second
- Achieve the highest, utmost maximized intellectual potential
- Healthier, optimal-functioning brain
- Be constantly smarter, more intelligent, wiser in each second
- Be mentally and emotionally stronger in each second
- Achieve the highest, utmost maximized health potential
- Healthier, optimal-functioning, perfect body systems and body organs
- Be constantly healthier and stronger in each second
- Achieve the highest, utmost maximized athletic potential
- Body undergoes intense, ideal athletic conditioning
- Body constantly becomes more well-toned, well-sculpted, and leaner in each second
- Achieve the highest, utmost maximized genetic potential
- Now achieve your ideal, desired self
- Always be in a constant state of inner peace
- Fast and permanent results

[!] Instructions:
1. Listen to a booster first.
2. Then listen to this 3-6 times. Visualizing as if you have already achieved your desired results helps.

Music credits:
Chillpeach - In Dreamland :
Chillpeach - New Beginning :

Max Beauty, Intellect, Health & Genes Strong Affirmations

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